The danger of a single story – by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Our lives, our cultures, are composed of many overlapping stories. Novelist Chimamanda Adichie tells the story of how she found her authentic cultural voice — and warns that if we hear only a single story about another person or country, we risk a critical misunderstanding. – TED Talks

5 Responses

  1. Miss Adichie always strives to give profound thoughts on the Nigerian society as evident in that speech.

    I love when she mentioned she was example of her own ‘single story’ stereotype when she visited Mexico. I also appreciated that she mentioned Nollywood and TV talk show Funmi.

    Overall it was a very solid all around speech.

  2. I agree with a lot of the points made in this video. But we cannot kid ourselves in painting rosy image of Africa whilst the majority of africans a living in abject poverty. There is a problem with our society if only a few elite can enjoy the fruits of the land.

    Please Register to participate in discussion about problems our continent faces and perhaps come up with practical workable solutions to some of thes challenges.
    You input is valued. Please take part!

  3. you would think that a single story would be lost like a piece of grain in sand. but the power of the single story rests in repetition

    different tellers hammer home the same stroy. hyped by a powerful media backed by power

    things fall apart was written because achebe and his fellow students found themselves the victim of the single story in colonial nigeria. they insisted on a story of their own

    now here is the paradox. in a postcolonial state there are communities that now find themselves the victim of the single story propagated at the center. rwanda, northern uganda, darfur are cases in point

  4. useless to add to my comments above that behind every case of ethnic cleansing or persecution is the power of the single story

  5. I like it, i learn alot this story.

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