Obama’s Victory: Birth of a New Era: The Return of USA… A POEM

Barack Obama leads the charge into a new era

Barack Obama leads the charge into a new era

Apart from being historic as the first time a black man is elected to the position, the election of Barack Obama as America’s 44th President comes at a time when the American people and the world in general seem to be in serious need of change, a new direction and the return of those founding ideals of America.

Birth of a New Era: The Return of USA

In liberty, a nation carved its name,
God’s own country, the land of dream,
Tested among nations, it excelled in unity
And reigned supreme in great ideals;
And then began the fade and loss of clout

But Hope audaciously came to bear
Packaged with the elements of change
Rekindled by a child of many races
Supported beyond the shores of America
Journeyed through the depths of winter

And once again the ideals are within reach
Liberty, opportunity, unity, and survival;
America is born again, and the world is hopeful
Beyond years of antagonism, a new gear is shifted,
A new era is begun, And America returns.

Poems of Freedom
© Oliver Mbamara, November 4, 2008